Our location is 138th Street and Canal Street West in the Bronx. For more info about the ING New York City Marathon 2010, please go to their website.
You can find a news report about us here: NY City Lens.
Mar 20, 2020 (Fri) postponed to May 8th- Haru Matsuri - Waterbury, Connecticut
Apr 4, 2020 (Sat) postponed date TBD - Washington DC Sakura Matsuri - Pennsylvannia Avenue, Washington DC
May 10, 2020 (Sun) postponed date TBD- Japan Day Parade - NYC
June 6, 2020 (Sat) - Tsuru for Solidarity - Washington DC
Sept 12, 2020 (Sat) / Raindate: Sept 13 - Fairfield County Fall Festival - Westport, CT
Copyright 2010 New York Taiko Aiko Kai